Wow... So far this month, someone's helped me check my brakes twice, I was almost side-swiped by a grandma who didn't check the next lane before she moved into it, and I've gotten pushed out of the way and all but knocked over by people in a rush while I was doing crazy things like trying to run errands. People are in a terminal rush to get here, grab that, and get on to the next thing on the list.
Nah, this isn't going to turn into a harangue about the real reason for the season. Wouldn't do any good anyway. Everybody's heard it and most give it intellectual assent even if that doesn't show up in their actions. The rest have bigger problems, like doing the Christmas thing because it's a tradition, not because they have any belief in the little baby born in a manger (probably in September/October, not December, but *shrug*)
There really are 12 months in a year. How about instead of getting all stressed out and just about killing people in December, spread the holiday cheer out. Do some of your shopping in January or even June for the following December. Don't worry, the holiday themed stuff will be available. After all, in most stores, you can tell it's almost 4th of July when you start seeing the Christmas decorations for sale.
Maybe if folks did that, I wouldn't have to get squashed by lunatics in the store while trying to collect my groceries for the next week.
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