I've been away for a while. School has kept me busier than a 1-armed wallpaper hanger, but there wasn't much of note to report. We're entering TAKS season. That's the state-mandated testing, and since they're changing the test to the STAAR test next year, this year's ratings will hold for two years while everyone learns to adjust to the new test. There's a lot of pressure to get good numbers because they hold for so long, so I've been eyeball deep in trying to arrange interventions and remediation and extra help for the collection of little donuts in my crowd while trying to keep behavioral goofiness under control.
It keeps me busy, but it's not very interesting.
Then I had a new development this week that IS very interesting. Back in August or so, I submitted proposals for 2 novels to different publishing houses. Both are pretty small. I never heard anything from one. The other publisher asked for the full manuscript of the one I sent that way, but then seemed to disappear. I received an email this week from Virtual Tales. They've been trying to reach me since November, but between their spam catcher and mine, nothing got through until the marketing director used her personal email account to send me a note.
Virtual Tales offered me a contract on Remnant in the Stars! :-D
After checking over the contract and doing a little more research, I signed it and sent it back.
I'll post about this new adventure as things develop. Exciting times ahead!
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